Create a Favorite

  1. System Diagnostics > Stats > Slow Transactions.
  2. Create Instance Maintenance View.
  3. Click any Column Context Menu.Select Configure > List Layout.
  4. Select New.. in the List View dropdown to create a new view
    1. View name: Instance Maintenance Click OK.
  5. Edit the Selected fields to include
    1. Average execution time (ms)
    2. First Sighting
    3. Last sighting
    4. Example type
    5. Example URL
    6. Example table
    7. Average client time (ms)
    8. Average Business Rule time (ms)
    9. Average client script time (ms)
    10. Click Save.
  6. Click the funnel icon to create a list filter with the following conditions:
  7. Example type | is one of | List, Form
  8. Last sighting | on | today
  9. Save... the filter as: Instance Maintenance. (adds the filter to the update set)
  10. Create a favorite by clicking and dragging the last condition in the breadcrumb to the Favorites tab on the Application Navigator.
  11. Click on the favorite you just created to make it active.
  12. Edit the properties for the favorite by clicking on the edit (pencil) icon in the lower right corner of the Favorites tab.

Configure the fields as shown in the screenshot

results matching ""

    No results matching ""