Contextual Search

  • Use contextual search to display knowledge search results on forms and record producers, helping users find information more efficiently

Help users deflect or quickly resolve issues

  • Contextual search can help users deflect or quickly resolve their issues without involving any service desk operators, and the contextual search can also include results from other sources such as the service catalog.
  • By doing so, users may directly order a catalog item from a search.
  • Administrators can define a contextual search by first defining the set parameters (overall values and conditions for the search results displayed)
  • then defining where the contextual search results are to appear; forms, record producers, and wizards.

Define a search context:

  1. Navigate to Contextual Search > Search Contexts.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill in the fields, as appropriate.
  4. Right-click the form header to Save the record.
  5. Use the related lists to further define the search context, including record producer configurations, table configurations, wizard configurations, and resource configurations.

When defining the search context, the Searcher field determines the information source to search (Service Catalog, Knowledge Base, etc.)

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