Test Your Work

  1. The System Administrator does not have 'itil_admin' role so you don't have to impersonate
  2. Select Try It on the Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner Catalog Item's Headbar bar
  3. Complete the Which pack type would you like to order? and Select a California location for delivery fields. Were the fields displayed on the form? If not, debug and re-test
  4. Impersonating Bow Ruggeri (has the 'itil_admin' role)
  5. Locate and open the Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner Catalog Item
  6. If these three fields do NOT display on the form, debug and re-test: Which pack type would you like to order?, California delivery?, Select a California location for delivery
  7. Update the value in the California delivery? field to No. If the following three actions do NOT occur, debug and re-test: The Select a California location for delivery is NOT visible, The Select a location outside of California for delivery is visible, The fieldMsg advising users of the additional shipping fees is visible below the Select a location outside of California for delivery field in red
  8. Update the value in the California delivery? field to Yes. If the following three actions do not occur, debug and re-test: The Select California location for delivery is visible, The Select a location outside of California for delivery is NOT visible, The fieldMsg no longer appears on the form
  9. End the impersonation - You should be logged in as System Administrator

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