Test Your Work

  1. Navigate to Incident > Open
  2. Without opening a record, pick any Incident in the list. Record the current value of its State field
  3. Update the value of State to Resolved from the list view ->
  4. Double-click the State field
  5. Select Resolved from the drop-down list
  6. Select the green checkmark to save the change
  7. Did an alert appear advising you cannot change the State to 'Resolved' from a list? If not, debug and re-test your script
  8. Select OK
  9. Did the Resolved value remain in the State field? Why or why not?
  10. Hold the Shift key down, then select multiple State fields
  11. Double click any of the selected State fields, change its value to Closed, and select Save
  12. Did an alert appear advising you cannot change the State to 'Closed' from a list? If not, debug and re-test your script
  13. Select OK
  14. Did the Closed value remain in any of the State fields? Why or why not?
  15. Select OK
  16. Make the Lab 2.1 onCellEdit Alert Client Script inactive

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