Replace / Replace All

  1. Replace a string with another string
  2. Replace All will NOT ask for confirmation

To replace a string in the script using the Replace button:

  1. Select the Replace button.
  2. Enter the text to replace in the Replace field and press the <Enter> key.
  3. Enter the replacement text in the With field and press the <Enter> key.
  4. Select Yes to replace, or No to skip for each match. Select Stop to discontinue the replacement process.

To replace a string in the script using the Replace All button:

  1. Select the Replace All button.
  2. Enter the text to replace in the Replace field and press the <Enter> key.
  3. Enter the replacement text in the With field and press the <Enter> key.

The Replace and Replace All features can also search for text specified with a regular expression. )Regular expressions must be bracketed by the '/' character. Example, the regular expression

/g _ [a—rl (4)/ would also find the string g_form.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""