Build an Encoded Query

  • Open the list of the table of interest
  • Build the query using the condition builder
  • Run the query to ensure correct results
  • Right-click the breadcrumbs and select Copy query

Remember, you can type <table name>.list into the Application Navigator's Search field to quickly open the list view for a table (e.g. Entering sys_user.list will open the list view of the User [sys_user] table in the content pane).

When right-clicking the breadcrumbs and selecting Copy query, the query copied to the clipboard will contain only those parts of the query from where you clicked and to the left. I this example, if you right-click on Approval = Approved you will only have that part of the where clause. If you right-click on Planned and date on This year, you will copy the entire set of where clauses.

Always test queries on an development instance prior to deploying them to a production instance. An incorrectly constructed encoded query (e.g. including an invalid field name), produces an invalid query. When the invalid query execute, the invalid part of the query condition is dropped, and the results are based on the valid part of the query, which may return all records from the table. Using an insert(), update(), deleteRecord() or deleteMultiple() method on bad query results can result on data loss.

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