Who can Script

System Administrator

Manages all the features, applications, and data in the platform

System Definition Administrator

Manages a specific System Definition (e.g. Can only manage Business Rules)

Application Administrator

Manages all the features and data of an application

Baseline, the admin role has access to all platform features, functions, and data, regardless of security constraints. Grant this privilege carefully! If you have sensitive information such as private HR records, ServiceNow recommends granting a custom admin role to administrator who will maintain that application.

More granular administrative roles such as business_rule_admin, client_script_admin, script_include_admin, ui_policy_admin, grant specific access rights without granting the broader privileges of the admin role. For example, an administrator can grant a user rights to change UI Policies, but not the rights to edit Client Scripts.


DO NOT CHANGE - Specific admin roles do not change the access level and behavior of the admin role, which grants general administrative privileges across the platform.

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