Test the Client Script in the Mobile Application

  1. Download the ServiceNow app from your favourite app store.
  2. Once installed open the app and add your class instance
  3. Test the Client Script on the ServiceNow app ->
  4. Login as Beth Anglin
  5. Create a New Problem
  6. Did the Assigned to field populate with Beth's name? If not, debug and re-test
  7. Did the Assigned to label flash? Why or why not? Look up the flash() method on docs
  8. Suggest a method that works on the mobile platform to draw the user's attention to the Assigned to field instead of flash()
  9. Close the Problem record you created in step-5
  10. Return to your desktop
  11. Open the Lab 2.4 Client Scripting for Mobile Client Script for editing
  12. Replace the g_form.flash() statement in the Script field with a statement using the method you suggested in step 8
  13. Test the changes to the script
  14. Did the method you suggested draw attention to the Assigned to field?
  15. Make the Lab 2.4 Client Scripting for Mobile Client Script inactive

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