Workflow Editor

Workflows use conditions and a table association to determine when to start, execute, continue, and end

Scenarios when workflows are started:

• Schedule or SLA launch

• Execute on table interaction (conditions are met)

• Invoke from a Script Include or Business Rule

• Associate with a Catalog Item in the Service Catalog

• Call a workflow from a workflow

Only published workflows can be instantiated. Unpublished workflows can not be started.

Notes about workflow execution:

• If the processing conditions are met, a workflow can be automatically started on a table record insert or update operation.

• Workflows that are built for the Requested Item [sc_req_item] table can be manually associated with a Service Catalog Item. Once associated, the workflow will start automatically. This is also true for SLA Workflows.

• The startFlow(workflowid,current,operation,vars) method is one method that can be used to call a workflow from a Script Include or Business Rule.

• Workflows that are called from other workflows are called subflows to that workflow.

Workflow Editor

The Workflow Editor is an interface for creating and modifying workflows by arranging and connecting activities to processes. Activities can be added, removed, or rearranged. Transitions can be drawn or changed, and the workflow powers the process as defined visually. All workflows need to have a Begin and an End.

The Workflow Editor user interface is divided into the following areas:

• Canvas Tabs: Contains tabs for accessing workflows being edited or created

• Title Bar: Displays the workflow name and status. Provides a menu and controls for configuring, testing, and validating workflows.

• Canvas: Provides the working surface for creating new workflows or editing existing ones

• Palette Tabs: Contains all available workflow activities and existing workflows you can use as subflows, displayed in the Palette. Drag activities and subflows to the canvas to create new workflows or edit existing ones.

Workflows need to be checked out before they can be edited. When a workflow is checked out, changes only apply to the user who has the workflow checked out. Other users can continue to use the published workflow. After the changes are complete, the workflow can be published so that it is available to all users.

To design a workflow model, drag an activity into the Workflow Editor and connect it to other activities by drawing transitions. You can also copy an existing workflow to add, delete, and connect activities. In the Workflow Editor, scrollbars are used to view parts of the workflow and the Expand Transitions command to redraw lines.

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