Knowledge Article Security

User Criteria defines conditions that are evaluated against users to determine which users can create, read, write, and retire knowledge articles

You can apply several user criteria records to knowledge content

User Criteria is applied at the Knowledge Base level

Knowledge Bases use User Criteria records to determine which sets of users can read or contribute knowledge within that Knowledge Base. If a knowledge base has no user criteria selected, articles ('(. within that Knowledge Base are available to all users.

User Criteria definitions include:

• canRead: users who can read all Knowledge Base articles

• cantRead: users who cannot read, create, or modify articles in the Knowledge Base

• canContribute: users who can read, create, and modify articles in the Knowledge Base

• cantContribute: users who cannot create or modify articles in the Knowledge Base

To implement User Criteria, navigate to Knowledge> Knowledge Bases and select a Knowledge Base. Next, access the Can read or Can contribute related lists to select or create User Criteria records.

When creating User Criteria, the Match All check box to determine whether all elements from each populated criteria field must match. If selected, only users who match all criteria are given access. If cleared, the user must meet one or more of the set criteria to be given access. By default, this check box is cleared so that any condition met provides a match.

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