Test Your Work

  1. Open an existing Incident
  2. Set the value of State to Resolved or Closed
  3. Did the information Message appear at the top of the form? If not, debug and re-test
  4. If the user updating a record selects one of these two states in error and immediately sets the value of State back to In Progress, does the Info Message at the top of the form disappear?
  5. Open the Lab 3.1 Incident Resolved or Closed UI Policy
  6. Write the Execute if false script:
  7. function onCondition(){
  8. Select Update
  9. Open an existing Incident
  10. Set the value of the State field to Resolved or Closed
  11. Once the info Message appears at the top of the form, update the value of State to In Progress. Does the Info Message at the top of the form disappear? If not, debug and re-test
  12. Does the Reverse if false field need to be selected in order for the Execute if false script to execute?
  13. When a UI Policy condition is not met and the Reverse if false field is selected, does the reverse of what is scripted in the Execute if true field occur?

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