Practice Using the Script Debugger - Call Stack

  1. Navigate to System Definition > Script Includes
  2. Locate and open the SlaTargetNotification Script Include
  3. Set a breakpoint in this script by clicking in the gutter to the left of the line beginning with gs.log
  4. Select the Open Script Debugger button on the Syntax Editor toolbar. The Script Debugger opens in another window
  5. Notice the list of breakpoints now includes the one you just set in step-3
  6. Select any one of the Lab 5.1 Business Rule Debugging lines to load that script in the code pane
  7. Update the breakpoints so only the line of code beginning with var createdValue and try are set
  8. Keep the Script Debugger window open. Forcte the Lab 5.1 Business Rule Debugging Business Rule to execute ->
  9. Open any active Incident, change the State value to anything except Closed
  10. Save (not Submit) the record, remain on the form
  11. Select Start Debugging
  12. You are stopped at the first breakpoint in the Lab 5.1 Business Rule Debugging script. Review the information displayed in the Call Stack and Transaction Detail on the left-side of the screen
  13. How can you be sure which script you are currently debugging? What does the Code Pane Header read?
  14. Notice the very next line in the script after the breakpoint you are currently paused at calls the SlaTargetNotification Script Include. Select the Next Breakpoint button one time
  15. Notice the information in the Call Stack now includes the Scripts Includes breakpoint details
  16. How can you be sure which script you are currently debugging? What does the Code Pane Header read?
  17. Select the Next Breakpoint button one time
  18. Notice the information in the Call Stack on the left-side of the screen changed
  19. What does the Code Pane Header read?
  20. Select the Next Breakpoint button one last time to complete the execution of the script
  21. Close the Script Debugger window

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