Explore Scripting Resources

Explore Community

  1. Navigate to community.servicenow.com
  2. sign in / register
  3. Join the snug
  4. header
  5. groups > serviceNow user groups
  6. select region
  7. pick a snug
  8. request access
  9. Type desired string and open article

Explore Documentation

  1. Navigate to docs.servicenow.com
  2. kingston
  3. Kingston Release Notes and Upgrades article
  4. Navigation Menu
  5. Features and changes by product
  6. now platform release notes
  7. api release notes

NOTE: The Now Platform release notes category is where you locate information about new and updated features made to the platform itself, (this includes changes to Scripting as it is a function of the platform). The information and number of articles changes from release to release. This particular API release notes article is a good example of easy to locate information.

Explore Developer

  1. More Sites
  2. Developer Documentation
  3. API > Server
  4. Legacy
  5. select the desieres section

NOTE: The Scoped menu lists documentation for applications in a private scope. These APIs may behave differently in the Global scope. The Legacy menu lists documentation for legacy applications in the Global scope.

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