Table Relationships

One-to many: Within a table, a field can hold a reference to a record on another table. there are three one to many relation ship fields

  1. reference fields : allows a user to select a record on a table defined by the reference field
  2. Glide list: allows a user to select multiple record on a table defined by the glide list
  3. Document id fields: allows a user to select a record on any table in the isntance

many to many: two or more tables can bre realted in a bi-direactional relationship, so that the related records are visible from both tables ina related list.

database views: two tables can be joined virtuually using the database views plugin to allow for reporting on data that might be stored in more than one table. database views are read only, create database views by navigating to system definition > database views.

extensions a table can extend another table. the extended table includes unique field plus all of the fiels and hteir properties form the parent table.

Tables can extend other tables, creating parent and child tables

A table that extends another table is a child class

The table it extends is the parent class

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