Test Your Work

  1. The System Administrator does not have 'itil_admin' role - so you don't have to impersonate
  2. Select Try It on the Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner Catalog Item's Headbar bar
  3. Confirm only black printer cartridges are available for selection. If not, debug and re-test
  4. Impersonating Bow Ruggeri (user with 'itil_admin' role)
  5. Navigate to Self-Service > Service Catalog
  6. Use the Search catalog field to locate Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner Catalog Item. Select it when it appears in the drop-down list
  7. Select the Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner name to open the Catalog Item
  8. Confirm Bow can order both black and CYM printer cartridges. If not, debug and re-test
  9. End the impersonation - You should be logged in as a System Administrator

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