Creating Notifications

Choose when to send

Choose who will recieve

Choose what it says

Feature use cases

HR may use notifications to communicate an office closure due to inclement weather

Inform customers of the latest information on their open incident

An account executive is notified that a contract is expiring


Notifications can be sent when a record is inserted or updated into the table specified above, only if the specified conditions are met

Notifications can be sent to specific users and groups. If you address the notification to a user with an inactive record in the user table, the system does not send the notification to that user


Consider limiting the recipient list of any notification to 1000 users. By default, if a notification has more than 100 intended recipients, the system creates multiple notificaiton messages with up to 100 recipients each. If you want ot change the recipient limit, se thte system property

If using and email tempalte then subject and message will be used from the template unless ovverriden with a subject and message on this form.

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