Knowledge Base Workflows

The publishing and retirement processes for a Knowledge article are controlled by workflows - defined for the Knowledge Base that the article belongs to

You can assign different workflows to each Knowledge Base

You can use one of the default workflows, or create your own workflow to define custom publishing and retirement processes Workflow for different types of knowledge

The Knowledge Base Workflows available in the ServiceNow baseline instance include:

• Knowledge - Approval Publish: Requests approval from a manager of the Knowledge Base before moving the article to the published state. The workflow is canceled and the article remains in the draft state if any manager rejects the request.

• Knowledge - Instant Publish: Immediately publishes a draft article without requiring an approval. • Knowledge - Instant Retire: Immediately retires a published article without requiring an approval. • Knowledge - Retire Knowledge: Moves a knowledge article to the retired state.

NOTE: This is only a selection of the base instance workflows to choose from, as designed for Knowledge Base management.

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