Script Debugger: Controls

  • Available when the script pauses at a breakpoint
  • Move between script lines and script in the Call Stack

Start Debugging (F2) - enables the Script Debugger for the current user. If the Script Debugger is already enabled, the Pause Debugging icon will display instead.

Pause Debugging (F2) - stops current debugging session, and disables the Script Debugger for the current user. The Script Debugger does not pause on breakpoints for the current user until it is restarted. If the Script Debugger is already paused, the Start Debugging icon will display instead.

Resume Script Execution (F9) - advances from the current breakpoint to the next breakpoint. If no breakpoints exist, the script runs to completion.

Step Over Next Function Call (F8) - advances to the next evaluated line of script based on current conditions. The Script Debugger skips any lines of code that do not run because their conditions are not met. For example, when the condition of an if() statement is not true, the Script Debugger skips the code block for the condition.

Step Into Next Function Call (F7) - when the Script Debugger pauses ON a method call, this control allows the user to advance to the first line of executed code in the called method. Stepping into a method also updates the current position within the Call Stack. If the user does not have read access to the method call, this control instead behaves like Step Over.

Step Out of Current Function (Shift + F8) - when the Script Debugger pauses WITHIN a method call, this control allows the user to exit the called method and return to the calling script from the Call Stack. If the user is not within a method call, this control instead behaves like Step Over.

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