Create Two Variables to Provide Location Selections

  1. On the Brother Network-Ready Printer Toner Catalog Item form, select New on the Variables Related List
  2. Create a California locations only reference field
  3. Type: Reference
    Order: 300
    Question: Select a California location for delivery
    Name: location_ca
    Type Specifications tab
    Reference: Location [cmn_location]
    Reference qualifier condition: State/Province | contains | CA
  4. Select Submit
  5. Select New on the Variables Related List again
  6. Create a non-California locations reference field
  7. Type: Reference
    Order: 400
    Question: Select a location outside of California for delivery
    Name: location_other
    Type Specifications tab
    Reference: Location [cmn_location]
    Reference qualifier condition: State/Province | does not contain | CA
  8. Select Submit

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