Coalesce Fields

Coalescing a field (or a set of fields) means the field will be used as a unique key during imports

If a match is found using the coalesce fields, the existing record will be updated with the information being imported

If a match is not found using hte coalesce fields, then a new record will be inserted into the database

There are several type of configurations you can use to coalesce data in import sets:

No coalesce: all imported rows are treated as new records, no existing records are updated. If the import is executed again, duplicate records will be created.

Single-field coalesce: Updating a single record. If a target table record exists with the ssame value in the coalesce field as the staging table record, the target table record is update using the import set record values.

Multiple-field coalesce: Coalesce on multiple fields to update an existing record. If a target table record exists with the same values in all coalesce fields as the staging table reccord, the target table records is updated using the staging table record values. All coalesce field values between the target and staging tables must match to coalesce with multiple fields.

Conditional coalesce: Should a table row coalesce. Most conditional coalesce scripts are defined in the source script field ofa field map for the sysid. To updated a target record using the staging table record values, the script must return the sysid of the rarget table record.

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