Test Your Work

  1. Create a new Incident, populate the mandatory fields, and set both the Impact and Urgency values to 1-High
  2. Save the record, remain on the form
  3. When the confirmation window opens, cancel the submission
  4. Whate happened to the Incident form when you cancelled the submission? Was the Incident submitted?
  5. Modify the confirmation dialog box in the script so confirmation message includes the logged in user's first name. Which property do you need to use?
  6. Test the modified script. Was the logged in user's first name included? If not, debug and re-test
  7. Impersonate a user and create a major Incident ->
  8. Select the System Administrator avatar on the Header bar's top-right corner to display the Logged-in User's Context menu
  9. Select Impersonate User
  10. Enter Beth Anglin, Christen Mitchell, or Don Goodliffe in the Search for user field and select the record when it appears in the drop-down list. The page will refresh and their avatar will appear on the Header bar
  11. Create a new Incident, populate the mandatory fields, and set both the Impact and Urgency values to 1-High
  12. Save the record, remain on the form. Did the confirmation message display? Explain why not.
  13. Impersonate System Administrator
  14. Make the Lab 2.2 Confirm Major Inc Details Client Script inactive

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