Business Rule

A Business Rule is configured to run when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted, or when a table is queried Business Rules can be set to run before or after the database action has occurred

The When setting determines when the Business Rule executes and has the following choices:

  • Before a record is saved to the database
  • After a record is saved to the database
  • Async (queued}; client and server work independently so the client is not waiting for the server
  • Display before the record is displayed

    Business Rules execute on the server side

Although there are multiple ways to control behaviors in the ServiceNow application, most customization of platform behavior is done using Business Rules. Business Rules are loaded and initialized at the beginning of each interaction between a user and the platform.

Every Business Rule includes what table to run against and timing (before or after insert and more), what conditions to evaluate, what script to run based on the evaluation, and if it is client-callable.

Business Rules are consistently applied to records regardless of how they are accessed-through forms, lists, or Web Services. This is one major difference between Business Rules and Client Scripts, which only apply when editing through the form.

Unlike UI Policies, Business Rules are NOT real-time:

• They do not monitor fields on a form

• They monitor records as they are inserted or updated

Business Rules run on the server, but can be client-callable. If the Client callable setting is checked, the client can use AJAX to call the Business Rule.

The primary objective of display Business Rules is to use a shared scratchpad object, "g_scratchpad", which is also sent to the client as part of the form. This is useful when you need to build client scripts that require server data that is not part of the record being displayed.

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