Wait for condition Activity Scripting

  • The Wait for condition activity pauses the Workflow until the current record matches a specified condition
  • Evaluated every time the current record is updated


    Close notes is not empty
//Set the variable 'answer' to true or false to indicate if the condition has been met or not.
answer = true;

Records must be updated outside of the Workflow. In most cases you should use a Business Rule to trigger after a record update.

Use the Condition builder whenever possible for faster performance. If the condition(s) you require exceed the abilities of the Condition builder, use the Condition script field to script your condition(s).

In the Condition builder example shown, the Workflow indefinitely untile the Close notes has a value.

In the Condition script example shown, the comments explain if the return value is true, the Workflow moves to the next activity. If the return value is false, the Workflow remains on the current activity until the return value is true.

If both the Condition and the Condition script field have values, both fields must return true for the Workflow to move to the next activity.


It is possible for a Workflow to be paused indefinitely. Be sure you have a way to trigger the Wait for Condition activity to move on.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""