Overview UI Policy
What is a UI Policy?
- Defines the behavior and visibility of fields on a form
- Mandatory
- Visible
- Read-only
- Condition must be true for it to execute
- Execute after Client Scripts
- Client Scripts can also hide fields, show fields, and make fields mandatory.
Always use a UI Policy instead of a Client Script, if you can, for faster load times and easier maintenance.
What Exists Baseline
- More than 1100 UI Policies exist baseline
- Run whenever condition is met
Navigate to the System UI > UI Policies module to create or modify UI Policies.
UI Policies do not run unless their condition is met. In some cases, UI Policies do not have a condition — these UI Policies execute every time a form loads and/or is changed.
What is UI Policy Scripting
- Ability to script complex conditions and execute advanced behavior
- Show/Hide sections (tabs)
- Remove/add/change/validate data in fields
- Full power of JavaScript
UI Policy scripts execute client-side.