Visual Task Boards

Transform your lists and forms into an interactive graphical experience using Visual Task Boards (VTB)

Visual task boards allow you to:

  • Manage your taks through a visual, drag-and-drop interface
  • Identify process bottlenecks at a glance, in real-time
  • Track embedded activity screens to view updates all in one place

Use visual task boards to create your personal to do list, collaborate in real time with group members on assignments, and mroe. Displayed graphically as lanes and cards, vtb provide a landing page to view and organize all your work in servicenow

Three types of vtbs

Freedom: Personal Organizer

Guided boards: Uses Incident States

Flexible: From list but lane changes to not update underlying task data

To get started with vtb, navigate to self-service > visual task boards and follow the instructions for creating a board

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